Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Working on reframing my attitude and trying to be positive and proactive has been very trying this week (and last).

I am getting things done. But I lost my temper with kiddo last nigh--I sort of yelled at her for not sleeping. I feel terrible. It's not her fault. She's kind of sick, and a dairy issue as we try to reintroduce it, so I've got to work on that. Just because the night didn't go as planned didn't mean that I needed to lose it. And I was hungry. I waited way too long to eat dinner, so I was really just nasty to everyone actually. Frowny sad face here.

And the bank has taken so long on our house that we're trying to sell in Home City that the buyer had to back out. So there's a whole lot of stress there.

My office hours were a total bust. Rather than all the honor society students coming in at the same time so I could register them for the conference, which I thought was the plan, they came in one by one, so every time I sat down to do something, I was interrupted.

Then I remembered I had to write tomorrow's exam--okay, tweak it, but couldn't depend that I could do that during the office hour before class tomorrow. And I had some straggling grading and things to do. It's fine. I can sit and grade take home essays while they're doing their exams, so I'll have a little time tomorrow, and mom, thankfully, is able to get dinner done today.

I've got a lot of grading to do. I hope to get it done by Friday.

I'm so exhausted with today, mostly because of the news with the house, and because no work got done, and I've got 2 hours of teaching yet to do. Which I need to get to.

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