Today's to do list:
- Food prep for week (most important)
- Knock out another load or two of laundry (least important for today)
RunWork on article (tied for most important)
It's a small list, but the food prep is monstrous. But it's the only way that I'm going to be able to ensure proper eating this week.
The article--sigh. I just, I don't know. I feel now that I'm into the article, it's just not a great idea anymore. I'm working really really hard to make the argument here--maybe that's the problem? Maybe I'm trying to make too literal a connection here when there doesn't need to be one?--and maybe after all this writing and reading, there's just no argument there to make? Or maybe it's because no one is making this argument, so I have to do all the stuff here? I don't know. In any case, my confidence in it is dwindling. That also might be because I haven't written anything in two weeks. Sigh. I just hate feeling stuck. I know how to get unstuck, but for some reason, it's frightening.
I feel like a lot of this is a rehash of my dissertation writing anxiety. This is very familiar territory.
That being said, I'm going to get over myself and do some writing before the kid gets up.
ETA: I'm happy to report that in the time since finishing this post and the kid starting to wake up (right now), I busted out about 600 words (I thought it was waaaaaay more than that), but they were good words I think, and I think I can keep working on this same line of argument this afternoon when the kid goes down for her nap. I will say this--I'm feeling a whole lot better now than when I started this blog post. Working on that article helps.
ETA: I'm happy to report that in the time since finishing this post and the kid starting to wake up (right now), I busted out about 600 words (I thought it was waaaaaay more than that), but they were good words I think, and I think I can keep working on this same line of argument this afternoon when the kid goes down for her nap. I will say this--I'm feeling a whole lot better now than when I started this blog post. Working on that article helps.
I've never written an article without going through a "this is totally obvious, why am I writing it, no-one will find it interesting" phase - I find thinking "oh yeah this is just one of the icky parts of the process, ignore it and just keep writing SOMETHING" helps. Looks like you got through today's patch of that, keep up the good work! :-)