Sunday, March 25, 2012

I Don't Even Feel Like I've Had a Weekend

I'm still working out the kinks on this thing. Obviously, the blog is a bit bare. But, I'll keep playing around with it. I've been messing around with the identity and playing with google and blogger for almost an hour already this morning (it's not even 6:30 yet) because I couldn't sleep. So I thought, what the hell? Since I can't sleep and won't be productive anyway, now's the time to play around with this. So I have been. I feel like I should be much more computer savvy than I am, but I'm not. I feel so dumb. But alas, I think I've got it figured out.

Anyway, I'm sad to report that I've accomplished very little this weekend. Like surprisingly little. After not doing much last weekend, I have developed a bad habit already! And of course I'm blogging now instead of working, but damn, I couldn't sleep, and the last thing I wanted to do after not being able to sleep is to work! I am just being a baby about the grading. I know better. If I don't start grading the moment the essays or whatever come in, then it just takes forever for me to get going on them. I got through five yesterday while I was proctoring an exam. I was supposed to get through all of them since I was going to be stuck in a room for nearly three hours. Nope. Instead I booked our flights for our trip to Cali at the end of May for my conference. I booked our hotel room for my cousin's wedding in Cali at the end of summer. Called my dad in between exams when no kids were in the room to tell him that I got the hotel room booked (the only way we're able to go is if we split a room with the parents). Then I read an essay or two. When I came home I worked out, and then when I was finished with all that, I had about 30 minutes before we were to go to a friend's for dinner, and voila! An entire Saturday passed without my doing anything. And I can't cancel on the grandparents this weekend. I did, in all fairness use last Sunday, after canceling on them productively--the bedroom and the bathroom were in dire need of being cleaned, straightened, and stuff being put away, laundry being done, etc. What will most likely happen is that I push back when the revisions for Essay 1 are due a few days. I mean, I did just pick up the drafts on Friday. The things that really need to be graded are the lit responses. I will have had those for a week on Tuesday. That needs to get done tonight. Which I should do them now but I'm not going to because damn, I just don't wanna.

I've also got to come up with a new plan. For whatever reason, I seem to have fallen apart this month in terms of organization, productivity, overall health goals. I was reluctant to change my work out schedule because what I had started doing mid January had been working. But since the quarter started, either from illness, allergies, poor diet, a schedule I thought would be better but isn't, or d) all of the above, I don't seem to be able to do what needs to be done, primarily keeping up with the workouts in the afternoons after class, even though I'm going in later but getting home at the same time. I get up at the same time as I did last quarter, too, so I'm not sure why I'm exhausted all the time right now, although I do suspect that my diet has a significant role in this issue, so we'll have to see how this is going to play out. I think this means that I need to start working out in the morning before class. Or at least getting 2/3 workouts in before school, and then running in the afternoons after class. Since the husband has homework now that he needs to do in the afternoons, I can get my work done then, too. This is the new plan which I'll give a test run this week. And then we'll see.

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