Friday, January 4, 2013

Cold, Cold, Go Away.

Oy. I'm still sick. But I think I'm getting better. I took some medicine (safe medicine), and I think it's working. It's working slooooooooowly, but slow progress is better than no progress. I can blow my nose out of both nostrils at the same time. There's still a little headache, but it's not terrible. It's more from the constant nose blowing than anything else. And the neti pot is finally making some progress for me, too. So that's something at least.

Of course, I've been up since about 1:30 this morning, tossing and turning due to the lack of ability to breathe through both nostrils. I was afraid my floundering around might wake the husband, but fortunately he slept through it. I would have felt bad if it had.

I did manage to get some reading done today. I finished what I need to read for Tuesday's class. I need to keep reading, but I'm kind of tired of it and I want to rest. I enjoy the novel. Or rather, I'm totally enjoying the novel, but I'm just a tad bit tired. And I need to once and for all get the food prepped for the next few days. Or at least for tonight so I can make a nice meal tonight.

So a couple of my aunts are driving me nuts. Thank god it's not my mom. She seems to be the only sane one right now regarding this pregnancy. Aunt One is obese, on about 20 different medications, have never exercised a day in her life, and is incapable of cooking vegetables without massive amounts of cream, cheese, and bread. She about blew a gasket when she found out I still lift weights and still work out pregnant. That I need to not work out and rest. From a woman who knows nothing about health. Who is obese herself, has three obese children, and three obese grandchildren, one of whom is only about 10 and has cellulite and a pot belly. I mean whatever, I'm not trying to sound judgmental, but she is the last person who need to be giving health advice. Also, I'm apparently too old to be working out. TOO OLD!

Aunt Two drives me nuts in different ways. For example, "just because the OB gives you medicine for your morning sickness doesn't mean it's safe. You need to do your own research. You can't trust what the doctor gives you." My response--the OB is the ONLY person I trust right now as far as medicine is concerned. But in the same breath, since I'm supposed to second guess the doctor by doing my own research on the internet (because that's *always* a trustworthy and reliable source for medical advice), I also cannot trust what the pregnancy books  or the internets say are safe OTC drugs to take either. Now I should trust what my doctor tells me. Well, it doesn't help me if the doctor's office doesn't call me back. And I'm going to be in worse shape if this turns into a sinus infection. Also, she doesn't think it's safe for me to lift heavy weights either, and that I only should be walking. So my doctor isn't to be trusted when he's prescribing medicine, but he's the ONLY one to be trusted when it comes to cold medicine. I don't get it. It wears me out. Like I would seriously honestly do anything to jeopardize the health of the fetus. ARGH! I try to ignore all of this because I know once I start to look more pregnant than just fat, I'm sure there will be no shortage of advice from women in their 60s about what I should or should not be doing. For the record, I don't mind any of you guys' advice. I solicit it. So consider that an open invitation. But I like to think that I'm well informed and that I know my body and that I'm good at listening to my body. And what I should do with my two aunts is just nod and say what they want to hear and go on my merry way. I'll never learn. Aunt Two still freaks out on every big occasion about what I might be wearing for her fear that I would wear something inappropriate or something that might embarrass her, which I've never once dressed inappropriate for big occasion in my life! So this is what I'm dealing with.

Anyway, now I'm just complaining. I think I'm going to rest a bit now. I need to read some more later and do some veggie prep. And I also need to start thinking about my research plan for the remainder of the quarter and figure out something for next quarter. But that can wait until after my nap.

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