Friday, January 11, 2013

Trying to get ahead.

The thing that sucks about being sick and pregnant is that I can't work out while sick. I mean, I guess I could, but I won't allow myself to work out in a less than optimal condition because I'm afraid of getting *really* sick. It sucks that I'm averaging maybe one workout a week right now. I don't like that. But I guess one is better than none; however, I'm losing my strength and tone at a rapid pace which would be less so if I weren't pregnant. I feel guilty both for being pissed that I can't work out because I'm pregnant (pregnant and sick that is, the pregnancy does not preclude my working out) and also guilty because I know working out is good for the little Magpie, and I feel like I'm not taking very good care of her/him because I can't seem to take very good care of myself. I also feel guilty because as a result of being sick and not being able to work out, my appetite has plummeted. It's like a normal person's appetite, as in a non-active, but non-sedentary person. It's less than what it was before I got pregnant. I was starting to get concerned because I've actually lost a couple of pounds this trimester already, but the J said that since I a) consumed so much food the first trimester and b) gained nearly 30 pounds already, that I shouldn't worry unless the weight loss continues. I'm just hoping it stabilizes because damn, I don't want to gain 30 pounds each trimester.

Here's the thing, too, lest some of you may be worrying about the weight loss and why the J talked some sense into me. Since I don't have such bad morning sickness anymore (it lingers, but nothing like it was even a couple of weeks ago), our diet has gotten somewhat back to closer to what we're used to, closer to the Paleo life we like and on which we thrive. And I'm cooking more meals now and bringing my own lunch to school more often than I was. I cook about four nights a week now up from none to one. Our fast food consumption has plummeted. When we do eat out/get carry out, it's Vietnamese food or Mexican food (fajitas without the fixins, except guac, are very Paleo), that where most of the weight loss has probably come from is bloat. I'm nowhere near as bloated anymore. And now that I'm feeling better, my appetite is increasing again, and I'm sure as soon as I am able to get back to the CrossFit, it'll get right back up there.

Anyway, that's not really so much what this post is about. I just needed to get that off my chest.

You know what I did yesterday and this morning?? I finished two books! Yes! I did! Since I haven't been able to work out, or really sleep for that matter, I've tried to take advantage of the time I have in the morning to read. And even though I was too exhausted to grade yesterday afternoon, I spent the entire afternoon reading things! It felt so wonderful!! I finished the novel the Lit class is finishing next week, so that's a great relief. I'm ahead!! And this morning I finished a novel I had been reading for pleasure, and that hasn't happened in a while! Yay! It's just been so damn pleasant to sit and read! This is why I have such high hopes for next quarter's schedule, and I hope I like it enough to have that same schedule every quarter, because look what I did in just one afternoon and morning! I finished things!! I haven't felt this good in a long, long time. Obviously I still need to get the grading off my plate, and I had vowed to do that this morning, but I think I'm going to start on next Thursday's readings for the Lit class instead so I can really get ahead. I want to spend the weekend working on that so that way in the novel class I'm caught up for two weeks worth of readings. Next week is midterm week in the survey classes, so if can get ahead with the readings, then I can focus on grading and knocking everything out next week. This will help me sleep knowing that's not hanging overhead. It means I won't have to play catch-up in the mornings and can actually go to a workout, so I'm feeling good right now. I hope I can maintain this pace.

So, I think for this morning until I have to teach, I'm going to read for the next couple of hours. Then tomorrow morning, since I'll be up at the crack o'dawn with the J since it's drill weekend, I'll spend one hour grading the lit class's critical responses and then an hour on Sunday morning and then finish them on Monday. The rest of Saturday will be devoted to reading, and part of Sunday morning devoted to reading (then off to the g'parents), and then with any luck I'll be in good shape come Monday morning.

I think I have a plan. Wish me luck!

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