Tuesday, May 26, 2015

After a craptastic quarter, in all aspects of my life, not just academically, it has become clear that I need to do some revamping.

I hate making declarations like "I'm going to do this!" because public accountability doesn't do much for me, and the moment I declare something is a sure fire way for me not to accomplish something.

Right now, I'm feeling hopeful about the summer and what I can accomplish. I would say that not only is my plate full, but it's overflowing.

I'm a bit stressed. Personally, there's a lot of pressure, too. The house in Home City still hasn't sold, and we're kind of limbo with that. The birth control I was on did not do what it was supposed to do, which is rare, but happens. Instead, it just sort of went haywire. And then when I got really sick (five weeks nearly!) and was on steroids, that just blew everything out of proportion in my body. My hormones are whack, but on the mend. So that's a bit stressful, too.

Anyway, it just means I have a lot to accomplish between now and September.


  1. You can do it! :-)

    If semi-public support might help, there's a writing group running over at topleftquad.blogspot.com this summer...

  2. I am sorry you were so sick! I hope you feel better!

    I still can't think of that other house without thinking of the orange and green kitchen and smiling. :)

  3. It might, JaneB. I'll think about it. If nothing else, it might help me to organize what needs to get done.

    Sis, I know. There's a lot about that house that I will miss. Right now though, it is dead weight, simultaneously in sale and foreclosure proceedings (which is jacked the fuck up). I just don't feel like the hubs and I are very responsible adults.

  4. You'd be welcome to join us late if you decide it might be useful...
