Tuesday, September 24, 2013


I am so worried about the possibility that Magpie is going to need surgery--I mean, there's no need to worry until there's a need to worry--so I need to keep my mind off of this.

I hate being away from her. This is in part why I just have trouble working during the week.

But, she will soon be old enough for us to be able to start taking her to do things on the weekends, like going to the park or I'm looking forward to finding a pumpkin patch around here, so I need to rethink the way that I work so that I am free on the weekends to spend time with Magpie and the J. Before I was reading everything on a Saturday and/or Sunday morning for the week. That doesn't work for me anymore. I don't want to spend my weekend time away from her or the J any more. But I don't want to work all week either. And I regret the schedule I gave myself for the fall. Under different circumstances it would be ideal, but given life as it is, it doesn't. So we're trying something different next quarter, but for now, I think it might be worth working a couple of hours every day at this point rather than spending entire weekends working and not getting any time with the pumpkin.

Ideally I'd like to be able to hit the 7:30 CF class then hit the coffee shop for a few hours on TR rather than the 4 pm class, but it depends on sleep. And I'm trying to make the most of Monday afternoons in my office.

Here's the plan for the week: This week's readings for both classes and next week's readings so that starting next Monday I can spend Monday's office hours prepping for the following week so I'm always a week ahead. Then use the remaining office hours for grading and maybe an hour or two on TR for grading. Then perhaps an hour or two on TR working on research. I think if I can schedule at least 2 hours a week for research I'll feel better about myself. And if I'm only gone for 3 hours on TR in the mornings and have the afternoons with Magpie, then I won't feel like a deadbeat mom.

Today's plan:
  • Finish reading for Friday's classes & start next week's readings.
  • Grade for one hour. 
  • CF 4pm class.
I think I might be able to handle this modest list. I hope. I'm also trying to gear up for a long night tonight. Magpie's GI exam is tomorrow morning, and we cannot feed her after midnight tonight, so it's going to be a loooooooong night, especially since the last two nights she's been getting up every 1.5-2 hours to eat during the night. We'll see.

Okay, after I answer an email, I'm off to try to accomplish something. 

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