Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Not that I really think I necessarily need to apologize, but I want to apologize for my "Fuck All the Things" post yesterday. It was unnecessarily negative, and I don't want to spread that around. So, I'm sorry. Sometimes though (although it seems more often than not lately), things just seem so bleak and like "what's even the point?"

I didn't get much sleep last night because I stayed up as long as I could to watch the World Series. Seriously. It was such a tense game that I woke up with a headache, and I didn't even know the outcome until this morning. The only reason I could get away with watching as long as I did was because I only have office hours today.

I'd be less stressed if we weren't going out of town this weekend. Don't get me wrong; I'm very very much looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to seeing my aunt and uncle, to get a break from laundry and cooking, to having an extra hand with the kid. And it's not a long drive either. Four hours max. But it's just, whew, a lot to get done between now and tomorrow night.

So why I am blogging then? I have to clear my head, get some focus on what needs to be done, and then get to it.

Fortunately I've got a fridge full of leftovers, enough so that I don't have to worry about lunch or dinner for the next two days, and enough that I believe I can freeze some and will have dinner for Sunday night when we get home, and I have stuff for the crock pot for next Monday, so that will alleviate some stress at least on that front.

All right, so there it is. I'm going to do some work for a bit and then call it a day and get done what I need to.

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