Friday, April 27, 2012

On Eating

I am a Grumpalupogus these last couple of days.

Here's why, in part.

I really want chocolate and pizza. Like in a bad, grumpy way.

Why not have it you might say.

Because I'm trying really really really freaking hard to go for a solid 30 days without gluten or dairy. In any form. Including beer.

I was reading that the first two weeks GF is hard. You feel like crap because it takes the body 12-15 days to process out the gluten. So if I had pizza, then that's another two weeks to fix that.

And I feel like crap right now. I'm grumpy. I'm tired. I kind of have a short fuse right now. The first three days I felt awesome. I mean like hard core totally fantastic. And now, I guess as I adjust, the lack of gluten and M&Ms is starting to get to me. I hear all of this is normal though. And if I can make it through next week, then week three should be when the energy picks up, which is perfect timing because that's getting close to the end of the quarter.

If I could find a GF & dairy free pizza right now, dear lord.

And what I wouldn't give for a fucking industrial size bag of coconut M&Ms.


  1. You know, I don't know. So I guess not in any form then if it isn't. If it is, it doesn't have the same effeff on me as it does in food form. Perhaps because it's a minimal amount?
