Monday, July 9, 2012

Seriously Annoyed.

Argh!! I'm so pissed today at this stupid student who I granted an "incomplete" to--and the I only reason I did so was because the doctor from the counseling services called me and asked me to. Biggest mistake ever!

Here's what been going on in the last 1.5 weeks. Student has been sending one of the remaining essays to the wrong email and has been getting pissed off at me for not responding. Uh, yeah, it's the wrong email, so how is that *my* fault. Ze has also had hir father email my boss about my not doing my job--giving the student the assignments and what not. Um, yeah, stu had them (and they are on-line at that!) a good two weeks before the end of the spring quarter.

When Stu finally got the essay to the correct email, Stu notified me that I needed to grade hir work ASAP (yes, actually said, "I need this ASAP") because ze has lost hir scholarship over the incomplete. Not my problem. Now, if this were the last assignment that Stu owed me, I would have complied. But Stu still owes me another essay. Essay 5 is a take home final that asks the students to reflect on all of their writing and participation during the quarter. Essay 5 is contingent on writing Essay 4, but not contingent on receiving a grade for it. During the quarter, Essay 4 is due the Monday of Finals Week and Essay 5 is due that Wednesday, so NO ONE gets the benefit of a graded Essay 4. And the grade isn't necessary either. So Stu claims that I'm the one holding up hir work and that it's my fault that ze cannot contest hir scholarship because I'm not doing my job, which is what ze once again told hir father which is what hir father told my boss who now wants to know why I haven't made the grade change yet. Now, the tone of my boss's email was not one that was angry, but you could tell that my boss certainly thinks that I'm the one who has dropped the ball. Rather than asking me if the student has completed all of hir work, she assumed that the student had and has asked me to change the grade ASAP! What the fuck!?

Look, I think you should give me the benefit of the doubt in that I know how to do my job and if Stu had turned in hir work, it'd be graded. I think you should ask me first what the status of Stu's level of involvement is in hir responsibility before taking Stu's father's word for it that I'm costing his kid hir college education.

I'm not doing this shit again. You know, it'd be different, too, if Stu had been a good student throughout the quarter as well. But Stu missed like 8 days. And I'm going to drive myself nuts now going through my office tomorrow to find that grade sheet with all hir absences on it because I don't think that ze is passing the class, as hir grades stand now, with a C. And I need to have all of my ducks in a row, too, because if ze loses hir scholarship, then I'm going to have to spend the summer, dealing with this.

You know, this is so why I had my current boss at the bottom of my recommendations when she applied for the job full time. I feel quite confident in saying that I know what I'm doing and have shown that I know what I'm doing, and if I don't know something, I ask. I've given no one any reason to second guess me, and that's what this feels like. I'm just pissed that my boss assumed that my student was telling the truth about hir work without checking with me first. You know, the goddamn Spring AND Summer quarters are over! I'm officially UN-FUCKING-EMPLOYED for the summer. I should NOT have to deal with this shit. And no, I don't think dealing with bratty students who can't get their shit together over the summer is in my job description. Give me a year round paycheck and yes, I'll deal. But this is officially my time now. Plus, I think the student's grade should have been changed to an F by the end of the first summer quarter since ze didn't feel enough of a push to get hir work done in the extra 8 weeks ze's had since the end of the spring quarter.

ETA: While probably against my better judgment and my ethical principles, but for the sake of not having to deal with Stu or hir dad (who I found out sent a letter to the DEAN! COMPLAINING! that I was holding his kid's scholarship up!! what a douchebag), if Stu is close enough to a fucking C, I'm giving it to hir just so I don't have to deal with it and I'll let hir hang hirself in 102. I can't be dealing with grade challenges and shit all fucking summer, especially since my attendance sheet is in Home City. And this is totally my fault for having cut the student some slack in the first place during the quarter. Back to mean lady. It's not worth it. But I'm totally taking the easy way out here. This isn't a battle I can win. And I feel like I'm going to be undermined anyway since the dean is involved now. Punk ass motherfucker.

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