Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Back to "Normal"?? Dare I say, "OMG! I feel good today!!"

I have gone a whopping 24 hours without the morning sickness meds. This is indeed a thing to behold. And I have not had to substitute eating to combat it, either. Yesterday, when my stomach got empty, I didn't get sick or nauseous or dizzy or anything like that. I just got hungry. That was a nice change. Yesterday afternoon, too, when I got home I wasn't dog tired either. I had energy. I didn't just zone out on the couch! That was a welcome change, too! It could be perhaps because I got a lot of rest Sunday night and slept in. But I didn't sleep quite as well last night, but I still feel quite energetic this morning. I still slept in--I wanted one more day of rest before I went back to CrossFit. So perhaps this is the beginning of the second trimester energy bump that I hear about? If that's the case, then damn, I need to start taking advantage of this so I can finally get some stuff done!

If this is that "energy bump," then I'm excited because this means that I will now be able to do some of my work. I might finally be able to get back to research and writing, which has been largely absent from my life this academic year. I actually have ideas that I want to develop! It'd be different if I had no ideas; then I wouldn't feel like my life was empty and pointless this academic year. And perhaps it's the "sophomore slump." But I have things to say that I think are interesting and important and worthwhile. And I know this might sound silly, but damn, I get constant updates in my email from Goodreads from all my smart friends who are spending all of their time reading incredible things and I'm totally jealous! I want to be reading incredible things! I want to be writing smart stuff and be a smarty pants and get my tenure requirements secured so I can start on my book. I want to be able to apply for quarter course releases or sabbaticals so I can spend all my time reading and writing. But I can't do that if I can barely summon the energy to make dinner, so if this is here to stay for a few months, then yes, I welcome the uncontrollable burst of manic energy I feel right now. Because this might mean that I actually get stuff done over our piddly 2 week break. I might be able to read, write, prep, and clean! What?? Could that be true?? To quote my favorite Queen song (before I even saw Wayne's World): "Is this the real life? Or is this fantasy?" I want this to be as real as I always wished Santa were real!

I just relish the thought of getting myself back, even if I know it's temporary, I can work with that. I can set goals for what needs to be done by say March because I hear the 3rd trimester is a bit draining, particularly toward the end.

I mean seriously, can I tell you how good I feel?? I haven't felt this good since August, to be honest with you. (Right, because I was sick all of September and then got knocked up right when I got well). I feel like I could conquer the world right now. OMG. It's so freaking refreshing! After, seriously, what 3.5 months of being sick for one reason or another and then to wake up feeling good?? Hallelujah!

All right. Enough of that.

I think my to do list for the day is manageable. I think I can even manage to cook dinner, and I really want some chicken pot pie. Oh yes indeed do I.

And now that I'm feeling better and feel like I might actually be able to start cooking on a regular basis again, it's time to get my eating back in order. If I can eat without getting sick, then I need to get back on the food train that does the best for my body and will help maximize my energy. I do feel like a poser because since I've been sick, I eat whatever at that moment didn't make my stomach want to turn, Paleo or not. And I'm comforted by other Paleo mom's that I'm not the only one who had aversions and sickness that went against what I felt was best for my body. Anyway, one thing that does actually make me sick is sugar, but damn, sometimes you just have to have chocolate cake. But I need to curb that. Okay, this is boring stuff. What I wanted to emphasize was that I hope that this means that I get to start cooking again because I enjoy it, it relaxes me, and I feel better overall, in general, when I do.

Okay, time to walk the dogs and have breakfast and get ready and then go be extraordinarily brilliant with some James which thank god we're almost done with!

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