Saturday, December 8, 2012

Lots to do this weekend

So far today has been another good day. Or I guess rather this morning thus far has been good. I was up at 5 with the J because he has drill, and honestly, this is one weekend that I'm glad he has drill. I have a ton of James to read this weekend, and let me tell you, I managed about 12 pages already this morning, and they were excruciating at that. But James on James often is, so I'm hoping when I get to the actual novel, it might go a little bit better. But I've got 200 pages to read by Tuesday and then another 100 to read by Thursday, so in all honesty, I've got to try to knock out 150 today and another 150 tomorrow.

Complicating this though is that the house is, in no other describable way, but The Nasty right now. I am so thankful that I had the foresight to move my bday party from tonight to next weekend because a) I have all that James to read; b) the J has drill, so I'd be doing EVERYTHING on my own today--cleaning, cooking, etc., and I don't have the stamina to do the everything. Next week it is. Not to mention that I have a cocktail party to attend tonight. Honestly, I find it rather annoying that I need to get super dressed up for this, which the hostess has every right to want to have a fancy grown up party. I will just get dressed up. It's the best I can do right now. And who has the money to go buy a cocktail party dress? Not me. I'm more looking forward to the "breakfast for dinner" dinner that we're going to tomorrow night. I like low key. I guess dress up is fun, but right now, my primary desire is just to be comfortable at all times.

I feel like this post sounds really grumpy. I'm really not. I'm having a good day so far even for being up at 5 am.

So here's the plan for today.

  1. Try to get at least 150 pages of James read today.
  2. Go for a short, very easy 3 mile run.
  3. Make the chicken pot pie for lunch/dinner.
  4. Do some cleaning.
Part of the reason why I want to get the James reading for the week done this weekend is so that I can, ideally, chip away at the house work during the week, provided I'm not nauseated or exhausted. Which is also part of the reason for wanting to knock out James this weekend, too, because I just don't know how I'll feel later. I have at least gotten the kitchen started. I cleaned the stove, put away some dishes, and then started on another set of dishes in the dishwasher. I've had breakfast. I have some lightly caffeinated coffee. The dogs have been walked twice and fed. I've read the preface to the novel.  I guess it's actually been a productive three hours thus far. 

Ideally, the plan is to read until noon, however far I get. Have a snack around 10 or 11. Run around noon. Make the pot pie, if the chicken hasn't turned into the nasty yet. It's cooked, but I've been lazy this week. (If that's the case, formulate plan B--tomato soup). Then we'll say clean for an hour or two, then read until 5:30. Then get ready for the cocktail party. And then I guess basically wash, rinse, and repeat for tomorrow. Wish me luck!

ETA: Sigh. Alas the day has not gone as planned. I'm only on about page 60. The reading has gone painfully slow. I've napped. I've also been hit with afternoon morning sickness, and it's more than the medicine can handle. Well, one of the meds can handle it, but it knocks me out for about 8 hours a pop most nights, so I can't take that one until it's bed time. Needless to say, I don't think the cocktail party is in my future tonight. I hate to have to cancel/revoke my affirmative RSVP just hours before the party, but I feel like barfing and crawling into a hole. It has completely sapped my energy and totally thrown off my day. This also means that not a damn thing is getting cleaned today either. So there it is. I think I will take a shower and then make some more rice, have a banana, and perhaps just lay down on the couch. I'm not sure if I even have the energy to read any more either. Crap.


  1. I see you removed the post but I have to say one thing. Listen, it is really easy to assume that only what's in the belly and boobs is pregnancy related but it isn't. Your body is nourishing another little body and that means--at least for some women--some additional weight in the hips and thighs. Feel free to delete this. It's just...kind of mythical, this idea that only the weight you gain in certain places is necessary for the pregnancy.

  2. Did I delete something?? I swear my brain is mush already.

    I guess I hadn't thought about it like that. I wanted this to be like the one time where I didn't have body image issues, but I guess the maternity industry is really no different than other industries in that all the models are impossibly thin with smaller hips and just bellies. And the woman I work out with, who I should note is 12 years younger than I am and started off in much better shape than I did, is just belly. And I'm trying not to feel fat because I know there's lots going on in there. I don't know. Maybe when my belly gets bigger it'll even out the hips perhaps. I think I'm just having one of those days where it seems like my clothes are too small, but my maternity clothes are too big for the moment, and I'm just having an "awkward" day. Plus my chest and arms have broken out horrendously, so I'm feeling really less than cute lately.

    And please, in all honesty, remind me of these things. I need to hear them!! :)
